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exam paper layout

It is important that exam papers are designed to ensure candidates can understand questions as quickly as possible, while incorporating critical security features and enabling scanners to mark candidate's
responses accurately. 

01 brief

Create and implement an exam paper template that is equipped with intelligent security features and markings that facilitate digital scanning, while ensuring a great candidate experience.  This template is to be used across all General National Qualifications (e.g. GCSE, A-Level, AS Level) exams to ensuing a consistent user experience across all subjects of study.






02 Front cover

A substantial volume of information needed to be compiled onto a page, taking into account the secure plastic windowed envelopes in which it would be housed. This included information for candidates, content providers (typically retired teachers), and Designers, and was all meticulously documented in the accompanying House Style Guide, providing comprehensive explanations of the significance of each element.

03 internal pages

A minimalist aesthetic was intentionally incorporated into the design to avoid overwhelming candidates. Maintaining this simplicity posed a challenge, given the required security features and markers that allow scanners and computer software to accurately evaluate a completed exam paper.

To address this, the following operational methodologies were employed, ensuring both the preservation of the chosen style and the implementation of essential functionalities.

Paragraph/Character styles



Master Pages


The era of teachers marking exam papers with a red pen has given way to a more technologically advanced approach, utilizing industrial scanners known for their heightened accuracy and efficiency. The emphasis on speed was paramount, positioning the registration marks and answer boxes exactly where they needed to be. A millimetre misalignment would result in substantial costs.  

04 font

Simple and consistent visual prompts, and a minimalist font were selected to ensure clarity and usability, without intimidating candidates.

Which is less scary?  Myriad Pro was selected.

05 assets


All templates were meticulously crafted to be fool-proof, ensuring that both internal and external Designers could effortlessly draft content while maintaining a consistent appearance with previous exam papers. While established guidelines and styles governed the overall aesthetic, a user-friendly assets page was implemented to address issues with agencies re-working the content style.  These Master Pages served as a convenient resource for Designers, offering easily accessible elements related to instructions and various fields, facilitating a streamlined and cohesive output.

Note: While InDesign Libraries would have been an ideal way of implementing the template, it was not possible to use in this instance due to various international suppliers and design teams unable to access these libraries.  


Exam papers are both print & digitally published, so templates were prepared for both formats. 


  • Crop marks

  • CMYK

  • Facing pages

  • 300 dpi


  • RGB

  • ​72 dpi​

optical mark recognition

06 output

Exam papers often necessitate the inclusion of diverse graphical elements, ranging from charts and graphs to scene illustrations. Similar to textual content, a uniform and cohesive touch was applied to graphics. To ensure consistency, a comprehensive graphic house style guide was developed. This guide identified the most frequently used graphics and established a basic style that was both clear and straightforward for designers to apply seamlessly.

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